That Ain't Nothin Nice - Single Poem

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The next time peers force your student to make the same decisions they make, your student can remember they have a choice. Classmates often resist negative peer pressure to succeed at being themselves and, your student can too.

This poem shows the types of scenarios that are similar to the ones your student faces. It relays the message that a student can gain a better sense of who they are when they don’t give in to negative peer pressure. It also conveys true-to-life struggles students face with being forced to give in to negative peer pressure. It explores the positive benefits of making the choices you want to make.

Your child can compare the decisions their peers want them to make versus the ones that suit them. If the choice is not one they would make on their own, they can confidently make a different decision and know that they are doing what is best for them.

“That Ain’t Nothin Nice” offers tangible takeaways to help a child remain focused on the positive benefits of making their own choices. This type of message can help your student remember if a choice doesn’t feel right, they shouldn’t make it.

“That Ain’t Nothin Nice” also includes questions to allow your student to see there is value in being yourself.


*The words that have a dropped g are spelled that way intentionally.

Product Goal

A message to help your student assess a scenario that is similar to the one they experience from their peers. The only difference being that it isn’t playing out in front of their eyes, which can help them to avoid making quick decisions that are unrelatable to the person they are.

This product can help your student to:

  • Focus on the positive benefits of making decisions to match their character. 

  • Begin to make choices with confidence and not with fear.

  • Build confidence through every choice they make.

  • Resist the need to make uncomfortable choices.

How We Relate to the Message

“That Ain’t Nothin Nice” shows how questioning myself and my choices led me to become the person I wanted to be versus the person my peers wanted me to be, and this is the same outcome your student can experience.

Your child will read a poem written by someone who dealt with and overcame negative peer pressure. I consistently remembered my choice to say no to anything I didn’t want to do and remember the motivation that helped me accomplish that.

This poem is based on my experience in dealing with and overcoming negative peer pressure. I questioned scenarios instead of saying yes just because my peers tried to force me to fit into their lifestyle.


Takeaways your student can use:

  • A message that can help your student see there are positive benefits to making their own decisions.

  • A message that can help your student gain the confidence to stop allowing peers interests to overshadow theirs.

  • Your student can get ideas they can use to gain confidence to make their own choices.

  • A message that can encourage your student to know they can say no of their own accord.

  • The questions can encourage a child to ask themselves whether the choices they make fit their character.

  • Help them understand they are not the only one who believes they can succeed at being themselves.

  • Help them understand there are valuable differences in being the person they want to be instead of thinking that it is better to be like someone else.

Once you purchase this poem, you will be able to view the poem immediately.

Intended Audience: teacher, mentors, athletic coaches, parents (who work to help children be themselves.)

Viewable on a laptop, smartphone and tablet as well as printable.

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That Ain't Nothin Nice - Single Poem

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